The COVERD tools and community can make you an additional 1-3% per month on stocks you may already own, in 10 minutes per week, while reducing portfolio risk.

Double-or-nothing Guarantee:

Make 2x the subscription cost or it's free.

We sell covered calls to boost the profit of our stock portfolio. This easily nets 30-40% per year in additional income on stocks we own. This strategy reduces your portfolio risk, if done correctly.

This is not day trading. It does not take a lot of time.

"Understanding how this [covered call] options strategy works could help you potentially earn income from stocks you own, but it's not without risks, so take the time to learn what's involved." - Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

"The main benefits of a covered call strategy are that it can generate premium income, boost investment returns, and help investors target a selling price above the current market price." - DOTDASH MEDIA INC.

"Selling covered calls can be a fantastic investment strategy. However, many people cheat themselves out of potential profit or open themselves up to risks they don't anticipate because they don't know how to sell a covered call properly." - Lyons Wealth Management

Do you want financial freedom?

Travel on a whim. Drive what you love. Live where you want. Eat delicious food. Cover rent or your mortgage without a second thought. No more boss. No more meetings. Enjoy owning your own time.

Our free app allows you to find and compare profitable covered call trades in record time.

To dive deeper we also offer a paid premium version, but we firmly believe that even the free app has the potential to change your financial future - if you know how to use it!


Be in the Know

Know when to sell, what to sell, how often to sell, which strike price to sell, and which time to maturity will yield the biggest profits.

Software that makes you money

Specialized Stock Screener for covered call selling and Call Selling Profit Optimizer with forecasting function.

Never forget again

Financial freedom is a journey and we want to keep you engaged with our gamified accountability system and custom email reminders.

Connect with like-minded people

Join the Discord to connect with other investors working toward their financial freedom.

Access to Experts

Discuss in real-time on our monthly expert Zoom calls. We occasionally bring in high-profile speakers as well.

Hit the ground running

Learn the lingo, know the risks, and how to protect against them, in our video short course.




Get Connected on Discord
Get Smarter with Case Studies
Financial Freedom Swipe File



Tools that makes you money
High Income Stocks Shortlist
Connect with like-minded people
Access to Experts
Hit the ground running


Exclusive Inner Circle
1:1 Expert Calls
In-Person Investor Summit Invite


Make 2x your subscription cost or it's free, AND you get to keep it!

If you actively use COVERD and are unable to make at least 2x what you paid, we will give you a full refund and you get to keep access for free until it works for you.


All paid offers include:

Stay-out-of-Trouble Tax Assessment

Personalized tax situation assessment so you know how to avoid nasty surprises. We will equip you with the right questions you need to ask your own tax professional.

Options expert short course

Dive deep into the world of options trading. Learn about different strategies, beyond selling covered calls. Get instant access after signing up, available 24/7/365.

Well-informed at all times

Be better briefed than the president, without doing all the research yourself. Enjoy exclusive discounts on popular paid newsletters. made with LOVE by the team of Ghost Founder LLC - Dallas, TX USA

© copyright 2023



Join to make your first $1000 from selling covered calls in our dynamic small group sessions.

Must have an active brokerage account with at least $35k to participate.

Free for the first 10 qualified participants.

We got your financial freedom coverd.